Sunday, January 22, 2012

Not exactly a writer...or a blogger for that matter

Hello and welcome!
I'm not exactly sure who I am saying these greetings to but do know they are sincere.  This blogs main purpose is for me to remember all the thoughts that are on my mind (Or to help me waste more time while I'm at work, which is my strategy for this evening)  These thoughts include: school, finances, my faith journey, possibly about my addiction to Pinterest, and my dreams of becoming successful and independent--just to list a few.  I think constantly and analyze pretty much everything that is happening around me.  I am pretty lazy though, hence the reason why I am typing this rather than writing by hand.
Okay, enough about why I am embarking on this blogging phenomenon that everyone is partaking in.  I'll explain why I chose the title of my blog.  I'm pretty impressed with my rhyming skills and the tone of it (AP English right there!)  My group of friends always say I am such a ditz, which naturally, in my opinion it isn't true.  I like to get straight to the chase so when stories are being told in much depth or jokes become to entangled with metaphors and similes, I check out, which ultimately means I miss a big chunk of details and key events.  Sorry people ramble and I get bored!  Also, to my defense, I am book smart and do pretty well in school so I don't see why I can't be a little dumb in another area.  I have to even out my life so I am not amazing at everything. OBVI. (that means obviously)  So, that explains the ditz part.  The glitz comes from my obsession with glitter and sparkle and shine and shimmer; all those lovely, girlie words!  I think I should have been in the Glitz Pageants growing up, I would be adorable and I would win every time. :p  But, underneath all the ditsy, girlie, funness that I am, I do have a lot to offer and I wish people would take me more serious.  What better way to do this than to write everything I think and let the world wide web read about it? 
I guess this is enough for my first piece of writing.  Not too exciting or too creative, I know, but just keep expecting this type of thing to keep happening ha!

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