Thursday, January 26, 2012

Picture Post Time!

As I was studying for my first Gen. Psych test last night, I somehow stumbled upon Facebook (SHOCKER) and saw this stress-relieving pic.  Let's just say, I was in the lounge with other fellow study-goers that were rigorously invested in their homework, when all of a sudden a BURST of laughter erupts from my inner belly.  Sorry to those who were suddenly interrupted!  To my defense, I am suffering from post-snowpocalypse syndrome.  This is the awful disease that occurs after having nine days off from school due to:
1. No snow..then
2. Reports saying there would be snow...then
2. Tons of snow...then
3. Slush...and finally
4. Being forced back into a routine of attending classes and finishing piles of homework.

Why, might you ask, would school be cancelled when there was not any snow and only reports of snow? Good question, I myself was also curious.  The answer; Seattle owns five snow plows, miniature streets, hefty buses, and DEADLY steep hills.
Whether you think Seattle is pathetic or not, I am forever grateful that SPU cares so deeply about the safety of the students and were willing to give us this early Spring Break.  Although, why wouldn't they want to give us this time off, we already paid for the faculty and staff; so really, they made a large profit on behalf of God's beautiful creation.  That's right, my private Christian college is working God's system.
Welp, I have a test, and I have yet to study.  Time to say goodbye to blogging for tonight.
Farewell for now

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