Sunday, April 22, 2012

Barista in Training

Last night I found out why The Woods Coffee hired me as a barista and also why I am still a "trainee."
Erica came to my house for our weekly date night.  Normally, I make super yummy noodles with Alfredo sauce and then we head to Dairy Queen to buy one mint Oreo blizzard (hers) and one Butterfinger blizzard (mine). From there we head back to my house and end up watching one episode of Family Guy.  Except, we normally have to restart the episode four or five times before we end up seeing the whole episode because we get distracted talking about who knows what and laughing our heads off about the same who knows what that probably isn't even funny.  But hey, it is our date night and we can watch (or not watch), laugh at, and eat anything we want to. 
Well this special night I was out of noodles and I was craving a mocha milkshake.  I recently purchased an espresso machine because of my new job at our local coffee shop and I have been using it every chance I get.  I told Erica that our plans would be changing but she did not want to miss out on my yummy dinner so she ended up bringing noodles and we went to the grocery store to pick up some ice cream for our milkshakes.  Sorry DQ and all the hicks that would have been there, you will have to wait for our next date night to see our pretty faces diving into our blizzards. 
The Alfredo pasta was delish (obvi) so I started to make the mocha shakes.  I got the espresso brewing and made my way over to the blender.  I have had issues with the blender in the past but I was determined to make this shake.  When I started the contraption, it had a burn smell coming from it so I stopped it and tried to solve the problem.  I realized that if I hit the "pulse" button, it would not smell.  I soon realized that the milkshake was extremely soupy.  BUMMER.  I told Erica and all she said was "Improvise!"  Thanks Erica..that's not helpful at all.  I added more ice cream in and only tapped on the "pulse" button twice.  Still watery.  I almost gave up but then my creative side kicked in.  I poured the watery mocha mixture into a red Tupperware bowl and told Erica to go get the straws that were in the basement.  When she came back up I told her there was too much to put into a glass and it wasn't thick so we were going to sip it out of the red bowl.  She mocked me (typical) but I replied, "I was only improvising."  On came the giggles and laughter as we slurped up the mocha mixture. 
We made two rules though when drinking from the bowl. 
1. No Bubbles
2. No eye contact when slurping at the same time.
Although it did not look like a milkshake, that thing tasted freakin amazing.  Needless to say, I will be a blessing to the Wood's Coffee.  I'm just not quite at Barista status, yet :)
When our date was coming to an end, Erica and I realized that we started Family Guy over seven different times and neither of us ever got to see the end.  Guess we will save that episode for next time.

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