Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I'm Comin Home (Lynden)

As some may know, and many more that do not, I will not be able to come back to Seattle Pacific University for Spring quarter.  I have been blessed with two AMAZING quarters at SPU but due to financial burdens I cannot keep attending.  I will be moving back home with the rents and going to Whatcom Community College for Spring and Summer quarter.  For Fall, I am still debating between staying at Whatcom to get my AA degree and then transfer to a four year university or go straight to Western Washington University and get my BA in Business. 
I am beyond grateful that I have met so many wonderful and influential people at SPU and I am really going to miss you all.  I am hoping to visit SPU often to see each and every one of your shining faces :P
Although I hate thinking about leaving everything here in Seattle, I am really excited to get back home and to see my family and favorite little niece and nephews.  I mean look at them..there just so darn cute!

The struggle of having to pay for tuition has caused a lot of stress on me, and I am looking forward to not having as much worry about making ends meet. 
I believe coming to SPU for two quarters was apart of God's plan all along.  In case you did not know, I originally was going to live at home and commute to Western, but at the last minute I felt a tug from God that I needed to be at SPU.  I guess two quarters was plenty of time for me to be away from home and now I am feeling the tug from God, yet again, to return back to good ole Lynden.
I think this is a great time to listen to one of my favorite songs.  It holds a lot of meaning for me and I hope you all enjoy!

BUT, before I go back home, I still have 6 long weeks left in Seattle.  It is time to make every second count and leave with a bang! So text me or come hunt me down and we can make some lasting memories.

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