Monday, April 2, 2012

Birthday Blog!

Wow!  I am so incredibly grateful for all of the birthday wishes I received today.  I told one of my friends yesterday that if I do not get any comments on Facebook, she must spam my timeline with obnoxious posts so I will feel loved.  Thankfully, she did not need to do this and I was overwhelmed with the amount of traffic my Facebook page had.
Although all the fb attention is great and I love hearing from so many different friends, my Facebook popularity was not as important as the time spent with my family.
Yesterday was the start to my birthday celebrations as my immediate family and my grandpa got together for a great lunch, dessert, and early Easter egg hunt.  Even though my youngest of older brothers had to stay in Chicago, it was still great to be together and enjoy the company of the rest of the fam bam. 
We decided to combine my party with Easter because one of my brother's was going to be out of town next week.  My niece and nephews were adorable as they searched for Easter eggs in our basement.  I am an awful blogger in the sense that I always forget to take pictures to help explain what I am writing about.  This was the second year that we "hid" (placed eggs in plane sight) eggs filled with money and candy in our basement.  I am still puzzled as to why we do not go outside and search for the eggs, but it is still fun running around the couch, Foosball table, and pool table trying to find the eggs with the most money.  This year was a little different because only Alexa, Noah, and Carson were allowed to participate.  I think I should still be able to join in on the "search" since it was my birthday party and I am only 17 years older than the kiddos. 
While the hunt was going on downstairs, my Grandpa remained upstairs.  As I was coming up the stairs, I noticed he was in the kitchen hunched over the counter where my birthday dessert was.  He was trying to sneak a piece of my Mother's delicious chocolate eclair!  If any of you know my Grandpa, you know this is very much a part of his character.  At family gatherings we never want him to go first because we fear there will be no more food left over for us.  After I yelled at him and told my Mom of his mischievous ways, he then called me a blabbermouth, tattle tale, and other hurtful names for the remainder of the afternoon.  To say the least he was a little bitter about only getting one very large serving of my Mom's sought after dessert.  He even tried lying to us, saying he needed to take a few servings home to my Grandma because that would make her feel better.  She was stuck at home because she recently broke out with shingles; poor girl :/  We sent him home with only one serving and said Grandma better be the ONLY one who eats the whole thing.  He can be so difficult at times :p
Today, was a very relaxed day but it was filled with a few exciting things.  The first was me deciding to skip my morning run :) It is my birthday after all.  But even more exciting, I got called by DeWaard & Bode and The Woods Coffee saying they both wanted to set up interviews.  Thank you baby Jesus for this wonderful blessing on my birthday!  I have been searching for a job since I moved back home, so this was a big relief knowing I am getting two interviews.  I am quite confident in my interview abilities.  I love dressing all professional and explaining why I am absolutely perfect for the available position. 
My brother then called asking if I could watch Noah for a couple hours.  I got to play basketball, dance, and watch Boz the green bear with my adorable nephew.  I could not ask for anything more special to do on my birthday.
Once I returned back home I got ready for the ritual birthday dinner with the rents.  I decided this year we would go to On Rice.  Thai food is my absolute favorite type of cuisine but I do not eat it as much as I would like to.  My Dad mentioned to the waitress that it was my 19th birthday.  She then began to say that I can go into Canada and legally drink now (not that I did not already know this).  BIG MISTAKEFlashes of horror were smeared across my parents face. I think they definitely need the two more years to warm up to the idea of me drinking, but at the same time, my mother can be so confusing.  For example, I decided I would order a Thai iced tea and she shockingly decided to order a mojito and even more shockingly, allowed me a few sips of it.  She must be losing her mind as she goes into her old age!
I have a little problem though.  I do not know how to inform my Mom that my friends are taking me to Canada this weekend to celebrate, WHOOPS.  Ohh the choices I have to face now that I am 19 ;)

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