Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My Day: From Drab to Fab

Whelp, it has been 15 whole days since my last post and I figured I should try to scramble together a few stories and write another one.  Not a whole lot has happened in the past two weeks unfortunately, but there were a few small things. 
It was Presidents Day last week Monday which meant SPU had an extended weekend.  I thought SPU was pretty desolate on any given weekend but nothing, and I seriously mean NOTHING, compared to SPU during a long weekend.  There was not another soul besides mine left on campus.  I had a minor anxiety attack on Saturday when I came to the realization I would be all alone until Tuesday.  I was about two clicks away from purchasing a train ticket back home for a mere 30 hour visit.  I had to work Sunday until 2:30 am on Monday so I would leave Monday morning at 6:00am and come home Tuesday at 2:00p.m. for my class at 3:00.  I was desperate to be surrounded by people I loved; but I toughened up and soaked in the alone time I rarely get to myself.  This pretty much meant I moped around for the first few days then realized how much freedom I had.  That's right, I walked around my room naked after my showers just because I could. 
I also got to spend some time with a floor mate of mine, Elisabeth.  She is truly a gem.  If I ever need a compliment or some encouragement she is the go-to gal.  We giggled and laughed like little girls as we talked about our crushes, then she said something crazy.  SHE SAW LIL WAYNE AT THE GRAMMY'S.  I'm not sure what possessed her to keep this sacred information from me for so long since the Grammy's were like three weeks ago.  I was shocked with how cooley she brushed it off.  But lets think about this, it's not that abnormal to fly to California for a few days, see a bazillion celebrities and fly back to good ole Washington...OH WAIT.  Let's just say I'm a tad bit jealous.  Anyways, I'm glad God kept her here during the break because I desperately needed her company.
Flash forward to Thursday.  I woke up an hour and 22 minutes before my alarm went off.  I was a little grumpy at my body; partially for waking me up early but mainly because it was not a peaceful wake up.  I was uncomfortable and there was no way I would be able to doze off until my lovely alarm sounded.  So, I dragged myself out of bed and thought "hmmm at least I can take a nice hot shower to wake myself up, maybe I will even shave my legs!"  Unfortunately I would not get either of these two wishes.  I get to the bathroom and the good shower is taken.  I decide I will go to the shower/tub combo since this would be the easiest to shave in.  I started up the water and waited for the heat.  I waited, and waited, and waited even more; but THERE WAS NO HOT WATER!! This would mean I would have to relocate to the dungeon shower.  (say it ain't so!)  This is the shower I try to avoid at all cost because it is in the very back of the bathroom and none of the light rays reach all the way back there.  Plus, there are probably a few slimy creatures living in that moist vicinity.  I turn on the water, and like wise, I wait, and wait, and wait.  Nope, no hot water here either.  This day was not going well and it was only 9:48am.  I sucked it up and took a icy shower and no, I did not get to shave my legs.  I made my way back to my room shivering and pouting.  Finally, I got some good news.  My mother dearest sent me a text saying I will be receiving a check from the government for $354.00!!  Thank you tax returns!  The heavens opened up and the glory of God shined through the clouds.  This day was bound to be fabulous!  I did my normal get ready routine and I met up with my Robbins Peer Advisor Amanda.  We went to Greenlake and got fro-yo (frozen yogurt) from Zoeyogurt.  I love Amanda.  She sure is a great mamma bear even though I do not live under her nest anymore.  She paid for my delicious treat and we chatted for a while about our past quarter.  I cannot wait to see her again when I come down to visit and when she comes to Bellingham. 
All in all, my Thursday went from annoying and uncomfortable to cheery and uplifting and I owe it all to the government and my friends.  Well...maybe not so much the government since that money was well earned by me and they snatched it up at the first chance they got.  Any who, I am still grateful :)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Ballet dancing, flag waving, church goers

This past Sunday I got the chance to attend a charismatic, Evangelical church in order to write a paper for one of my university's foundational classes.  I am somewhat speechless.  Not because there are no words to explain what happened, but quite the contrary!  There was so much passion, so much love, and so much acceptance crowded into the pink corner building that they called a church.  Maybe I'll start from the beginning in order to process my thoughts a little bit more.
Myself and four others were walking from our car up one block.  We stop on the corner and I see two men sitting on steps drinking and a woman standing next to them who was smoking.  I look up to the roof and I see Seattle Vineyard.  I automatically assume this is not a church and inform the rest of the group.  About three seconds after I ask where the church would be, a dainty lady came from the pink building saying, "Are you guys here for the service?"  My assumption was wrong..what else is new?
We enter in the building and find seats near the back.  We heard the service was at least three hours long and by probably no coincidence, Gwinn closes during the same time frame.  I swear, Gwinn plots against its hungry students and opens during the times where the least amount of students will be able to make it into the heavily guarded, instantly lockable, double doors.  To say the least, we were leaving early because were were starving and couldn't risk not eating...again.
The small lady that welcomed us in, came over to check on us and asked where we were from and why we were visiting.  A few other people came up to us as well.  I felt wanted and I did not have that awkward new kid vibe that I normally feel in a new location.  We were warned by the quaint lady that the church is not so much Pentecostal but more charismatic.  During the service, she said, we would see people dancing and waving flags while others would walk around the chapel or sit in corners.  I was skeptical to see this way of worship to say the least.
I accordance with being skeptical, I was also surprised about the type of people that attended this church. I come from a pretty strict church with a primarily older congregation. My little town does not have many homeless people. This church, did have a few older members but mainly there were middle aged men and women. But, there were also about four or five members of the church (that I saw) that were homeless. I felt ashamed when I assumed this was not a church solely because of the few people sitting on the steps outside. They were members whether or not they had a home, or were smoking, or even taking a swig of alcohol. Who am I to judge. As far as I am concerned, they are regular attenders and I am not. They are participating in their faith and are growing in the word by going to church, while I sleep in on Sundays. This church accepted anyone and everyone.
After about 10 minutes of worship I was fully engaged in the service.  The music was repetitive and easy to learn.  I was especially thrilled because I was harmonizing; something that has always been a challenge for me to do in choir and in church.  Just as the rest of the members, I was filled with the Holy Spirit and I felt it.  The amount of skepticism I had prior, had vanished.  Let's not get carried away though.  I wasn't dancing around the space or waving my colorful flag around, but I was embracing the openness.  The worship section of the service was 60 minutes, but it felt more like 20 minutes.  I enjoyed every moment.  I did get a little awkward as I saw a man get up and flail around on the side of the chapel.  It isn't every day that I see someone committed to such strange movements, let alone in a church.  I'm not sure I would ever adapt to his form of dedication but I do appreciate his willingness. 
Once the worship had ended, the rest of the service was as normal as any other church I have been to. There was one interesting difference, the congregation could raise their hand and ask the pastor a question during the sermon.  The pastor fully appreciated the congregations involvement and their struggle with what he was preaching.  This church was a community. 
Due to my very obnoxious stomach, it was time to leave.  Unfortunately we did not get to see the church goers take communion, which would have been interesting to compare to my church back home.  Our assignment said we are to attend two services.  I'm curious to see what my group decides to do; I'm hoping we can complete the assignment fully. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I'm Comin Home (Lynden)

As some may know, and many more that do not, I will not be able to come back to Seattle Pacific University for Spring quarter.  I have been blessed with two AMAZING quarters at SPU but due to financial burdens I cannot keep attending.  I will be moving back home with the rents and going to Whatcom Community College for Spring and Summer quarter.  For Fall, I am still debating between staying at Whatcom to get my AA degree and then transfer to a four year university or go straight to Western Washington University and get my BA in Business. 
I am beyond grateful that I have met so many wonderful and influential people at SPU and I am really going to miss you all.  I am hoping to visit SPU often to see each and every one of your shining faces :P
Although I hate thinking about leaving everything here in Seattle, I am really excited to get back home and to see my family and favorite little niece and nephews.  I mean look at them..there just so darn cute!

The struggle of having to pay for tuition has caused a lot of stress on me, and I am looking forward to not having as much worry about making ends meet. 
I believe coming to SPU for two quarters was apart of God's plan all along.  In case you did not know, I originally was going to live at home and commute to Western, but at the last minute I felt a tug from God that I needed to be at SPU.  I guess two quarters was plenty of time for me to be away from home and now I am feeling the tug from God, yet again, to return back to good ole Lynden.
I think this is a great time to listen to one of my favorite songs.  It holds a lot of meaning for me and I hope you all enjoy!

BUT, before I go back home, I still have 6 long weeks left in Seattle.  It is time to make every second count and leave with a bang! So text me or come hunt me down and we can make some lasting memories.